Performance Biography


Guest Performer:

Winter Harp, Lead vocalist for full tour: Nov./Dec. 2019 

Winter Harp, Lead vocalist for full tour: Nov./Dec. 2018 

Winter Harp, Lead vocalist for full tour: Nov./Dec. 2014

Island Voices Chamber Choir, Comox, Campbell River: April 2014 

Winter Harp, Lead vocalist for full tour: Nov./Dec. 2013

L’Arche “Affair of the Heart”, Courtenay: February 2013

Sacred Sound Festival, Comox: February 2013

Winter Harp, Lead Vocalist for full tour: Nov./Dec. 2012

Elevate The Arts, Courtenay: May 2012

Winter Harp, Courtenay, Nanaimo, & Duncan: December 2011

Winter Harp, Courtenay & Nanaimo: December 2010

World Harp Congress, Vancouver: July 2010

North Island Choral Society, Comox: 2009

Calgary Renaissance Singers & Players, Calgary: 1996 & 2003

Red Deer Chamber Singers, Red Deer: 1997 to 1999 & 2002

Healing Harps, Lethbridge: 2001

Canmore Highland Games, Canmore: 1998

Spiritus Chamber Choir, Calgary: 1997

Kaleidoscope 6, Calgary: 1996


Self-Produced Concerts:

Farewell Concert, Courtenay: May 2018

Autumn concert, Courtenay: November 2016

Autumn concert, Courtenay:  September 2015

Hallowe’en house concert, Vancouver:  October 2015

Spring concert, Courtenay: May 2008 to 2013

Farewell concert, Calgary: September 2007

Beltaine/May Day, Calgary: May 2001 to 2004

Hallowe’en, Calgary & Edmonton: October 2003

Awen release, Calgary: November 2002 & Edmonton: March 2003

Imbolc, Edmonton: February 2002

Aging with Pride, Edmonton: March 2022 to 2024, February 2025

Confetti Concert Series, Edmonton: June and August 2023

Lui-Chi’s Coffee, Edmonton: February 2020

Nelson Taghum Hall, Nelson: September 2018

Islands Celtic Festival: April 2015, 2016 & 2018

Vancouver Island Pagan Pride: August 2014 to 2017

Princeton Traditional Folk Festival:  August 2015

Fanny Bay Community Concert: May 2015

Hornby House Concert, Hornby Island: March 2015

Vancouver House Concert, Vancouver: October 2014

Still Water Books and Art, Campbell River: March 2014

Devonian Gardens Lunch Series, Calgary: November 2004

Olympic Plaza Brown Bag Lunch Series, Calgary: June 2004

Japanese Tour, November 1996: NHK TV & various performances


Laura Ellestad, Scandinavian Centre, Calgary: May 2005

Jeff Stockton, Medicine Hat Museum Celtic Festival: March 2001

Sheela na Gigh, Calgary: May 1998 & Edmonton: May 1999

Folk Clubs:

Nickelodeon Folk Club, Calgary: 1996, 2001, & 2020

Qualicum Beach Acoustic Cafe, Qualicum Beach:  May 2010

Celtic Folk Club, Calgary: 1995, 1997, 2002, & 2003

Calgary Folk Club, Calgary: 1997

As A Performing Member:

Shadow Theatre Productions, Calgary: 1997 to 2005

Sangita Professional Choir, Calgary: 1997

Calgary Renaissance Singers and Players, Calgary: 1996

Calgary Opera Chorus, Calgary: 1996

Giving Back to the Community:

Comox Valley:  L’Arche Comox Valley, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Child Haven, The Views, Project Watershed

Calgary: Alberta Ballet, AIDS Calgary, Calgary Women’s Shelter, Calgary Drop-In Centre, Alberta Writer’s Guild, Agape Hospice, Alzheimer’s Society National Conference, Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association, Calgary Welsh Society, Sons Of Norway

Edmonton:  Ballet Edmonton, HIV Edmonton, International Fund of Ireland

Red Deer:  Red Deer Library

Lethbridge:  HIV Connection



Willow, 2013; Awen, 2002; The Weaving, 1997; The Call, 1994

Guest Artist: Trilogy: 2000 Years of Christmas; Cathy Miller: Waiting for the Stars; Ann Gray: Shouting at Magpies


CKUA, Edmonton, The Celtic Show, Folk Routes

CBC Radio 1, North By Northwest

KRVS-FM, Louisiana, Harpestry

CBC Radio 2, Max Ferguson Show (One of Max’s Top Twenty Favourite Folk Singers), Stereo MorningWeekenderMusic and Company

WUNH-FM, New Hampshire, Ceili

CKJS, Winnipeg, Prairie Ceilidh


Shaw Cable, Vancouver Island, Calgary

A-Channel (now CityTV), Calgary

Global, Calgary

CTV National News

NHK-TV, Japan


1992 Alberta Provincial Kiwanis festival award : “Musical Theatre/Light Opera Solo”- Senior