
Thirty two years ago, Roger Helfrick was in Nova Scotia enrolled in a Celtic Studies degree program, and on a whim bought a harp. The process of teaching himself to play opened up his spiritual searching and he began delving into more and more ancient music (medieval European, Icelandic, Japanese) seeking the roots of the earth buried in the ancient poetry. Ultimately, this quest led him to start to reveal his own artistic and spiritual roots. He recorded three albums, each expanding on his connection with the ancient divine. 

In 2007 Roger moved from Calgary to Vancouver Island. In 2013 he finally began to feel connection to the weather, the deep dark forests, the immensity of the ocean, and so he recorded another album (12 years since the previous).  Roger performed at various festivals and concerts on the west coast and he was also the lead vocalist with the New Westminster based Winter Harp Ensemble for five years. Missing the crisp, clear prairie Winters, he and his partner moved to Edmonton in 2018. Here, Roger is eagerly becoming engaged in the thriving community of musicians and artists.

Musical Style

With the occasional mischievous glint in the eye, and dry wit in the speech, Roger Helfrick leads us to a place where the past and present merge.

Roger has always been fascinated by ancient cultures, in particular those descended from the Celtic and Teutonic tribes.  He revels in how their landscapes have inspired their art, cuisine and music.  His first instrument is his baritone voice, which he weaves into the music he creates on Celtic lever harp, acoustic guitar and plucked psaltery.

Roger’s repertoire centres around traditional folk songs, often in their original languages, as well as the music of medieval and renaissance Europe.  The cultures of the British Isles and Ireland, Scandinavia, Germany, and Japan inspire him in creating new compositions which reflect his spiritual connection with the seasons and the natural world.